Friday, July 27, 2007

Parents Just Don't Understand (Gender-Specific Apparel)

My mom has this cute habit of calling me every time something mildly amusing happens at home in Indiana. Sometimes our ideas of amusing diverge, but even those times are cute in their own way just cause of the breadth of un-thrilling things she deems worthy of a phone call. I think I've just figured out where I get my easy-to-entertain gene.

In any event, today she left me a message that made me simultaneously laugh out loud and make me suspicious as to what exactly goes on at home when my parents have no one to rein them in from their inherent nuttiness.

I requested that my mom buy me this sick shirt from the sexy Libertine line that Target is featuring right now. After she got it, she hung it up with some of my dad's button-downs so he wouldn't forget to bring it with him when he comes out to NYC for a visit next week. She was sitting on the couch lounging as she's wont to do ('nother genetic trait that's been passed down to yours truly) when she heard my dad yell, "What the hell is THIS?"

As you might imagine, she was even more startled when she saw him in the doorway with my shirt halfway on, puzzled as to how he was supposed to wear it.

In addition to being about a foot shorter than my dad, I am also a girl. This particular shirt, as you might be able to tell from the picture above, is clearly not a unisex item of clothing. If the puffed sleeves and big girly bow wasn't a tip-off, you'd think the candy-striped fabric might have clued him in to this fact. Alas. My dad is officially a cross-dresser. And possibly senile!

And yet the only thing I'm really concerned about is whether he stretched the goddamned thing out trying to put it on.

1 comment:

Roman said...

Good lord. I think your dad and I have to talk.