I don't know why, but lately I can't stop thinking about Glenn Danzig. The other day I was listening to him in the car and realized that much as I have enjoyed his rad and scary tuneage lo these many years, the man himself remains a mystery. I knew the basics:
- He is really into Elvis
- He is really into Marilyn Monroe
- He is really into skulls
- He is little
- He is angry
- His likeness has inspired a line of action figures
As an aside, I was informed by none other than Tiny Gines that contrary to my belief, Glenn's band Samhain (pronounces "Sah-way" fools) was not his first musical venture, but rather a brief and shining pitstop betwixt the Misfits and Danzig. Man, did I feel crunchy when she told me this.
Speaking of Samhain, this song rules.
In lieu of becoming bosom buds with Glenn, I've decided that I will honor him by being him for Halloween. And maybe for St. Patrick's Day too.